Friday, March 12, 2010

Faire Fun

 Well, I didn't get to go to the Celtic Faire :(
my three little ones had coughs too bad for a rainy out-door faire... BUT, to my great joy, my sister-in-law wanted to go and was willing to come here, get my two oldest sweethearts, then drive all the way up to Sonora! :D
they saw big dogs, heard celtic rock bands,...

... and played with wooden swords... 
they even got to watch jousting (video to be posted later)


  1. I am so glad you planted the seed for me to go. I am sorry you couldn't come with us! But I am really glad we got some good pictures of the festivities! Next year!

  2. yes, we'll all go next year... and to get my fix I think I'll have to go to another faire this year ;)


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